See the purple plant in this picture?
Anyone know what it is?
It's about 7' tall with 12" long leaves.
There are a few of them growing along the south side of the workshop and upon investigation I saw it had bunches of blueberry sized berries on it, so I picked some, here's 2 bunches.
Hope they're not toxic as I had the deep magenta juice all over my hands.
Took them into the workshop and picked all the berries off and put them in a jar. Then I used a rounded stick to smoosh them into a pulp. I further smooshed them through a piece of window screen and the result was about 6 ounces of bold magenta *dye*, completely organic and I guess home made.
Couple days prior I decided to experiment with the idea of a band saw box so I grabbed a piece of 4"x4"x4" pine and milled it to 3"x3"x4" and put it on the band saw and carefully started cutting. Band saw boxes are sort of like puzzles and you have to reverse engineer the steps in your head to figure out what it is going to look like. Now keep in mind this is my first attempt at this so it's not going to be perfect but I'm going to do the best I can even though I am prepared for disaster. LOL
After it was all cut and the pieces glued together and sanded I got the idea of trying this new organic stain on it. I used a 1" foam brush and started at it and then let it dry for a few hours and I sanded it and applied a 2nd coat. I ended up applying 3 coats total and letting it sit. This is what it looked like after a few days of drying.
I was pleased with the result of the dye, even though it appears more red than magenta in the picture, and was going to go ahead and start applying gloss polyurethane to it but got stuck on some other projects and forgot about it.
Well I went back to this little band saw box today and was stunned to see that some of the magenta dye had disappeared. Not all of it, just in some areas. In those areas the wood was sort of yellowish. What the....???
So I guess I will apply some more of this *dye* and let it dry for a few days and see what happens.
If this ends up working the way I want it to I will post pix of the completed Band Saw Box Experiment.
If it fails, well, it''ll land in the wood stove. ;-)